Digital transformation through artificial intelligence and applied technologies includes work in innovative applied research in health and wellbeing and cybersecurity including digital forensics, blockchain technology, optimised solutions, big data and robotics. Our world-leading expertise has so far produced three successful spin-out companies that are now worth millions. Real-world impacts include transforming visual media production with high image quality, lower costs and faster response times, fighting cybercrime and protecting children from online harm. If your business depends on data science and digital transformation, it would be great to have a chat to explore opportunities for collaboration.

Real World Impact in Health Environment and Communities

Our interdisciplinary research has led to pioneering breakthroughs which have created both commercial and social benefit.

  • Health: We are re-designing the current-generation of hearing-aids and assistive technology by utilising normal principles of ‘multi-modal’ human hearing.
  • Environment: The innovative design of future ‘blended spaces’ combine elements of physical and digital worlds. They are enabling new products to be developed by businesses and organisations worldwide in sectors including healthcare, tourism, building energy management and architecture.
  • Communities: Through digital innovation, we’ve helped national and international law enforcement agencies rapidly detect cybercrime and provide creditable digital forensics to fight the global epidemic of online crime.


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Transforming Technological Solutions for Hearing Loss

The COG-MHEAR initiative aims to transform hearing care by 2050, by completely re-thinking the way hearing aids are designed. This groundbreaking interdisciplinary work, being led by our Centre for AI & Robotics, aims to integrate cognitive principles, multi-modal sensory input and utilise innovative technologies. 

Cog-Mhear Case Study
Illustration demonstrating the Cog-Mhear project of lip-reading technology
Case Study

Making the World a Safer Place

Cyacomb is a spin-out company from Edinburgh
Napier. The business has broken new ground in online
child protection. Its software can scan for illegal images
far faster – between 20 and 100 times the speed of
previous methods.

Cyacomb Forensics Case Study
Case Study

Revolutionising the Customer Service Experience through AI

Edinburgh Napier University is highly regarded in the evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), optimisation and ‘machine learning’ research and innovation. We can help businesses with digital transformation and the introduction and implementation of AI optimisation into a company’s products and services.

Verint Case Study
Case Study

Matching Creative Inspiration with Edinburgh Napier Practicality

Through the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships programme, Multiply partnered with Edinburgh Napier University experts to develop a rapid, academically robust, real-time, digital consumer tool.

Multiply Marketing Agency Case Study
Case Study

Creative Approaches to Inspire the Cyber Security Workforce of the Future

When the Cheltenham Science Festival was looking for innovative new ways to engage wider audiences and inspire a new generations of cyber security professionals, it engaged with Edinburgh Napier for our creativity and curatorial expertise to develop an interactive cyber security themed drop-in zone,  ‘The Arcade’.

Read More
Case Study

Data Skills Gateway

Businesses and jobs are quickly evolving and becoming more reliant on data. Since the Data Skills Gateway launched, Edinburgh Napier University has put more than 3,000 undergraduates through enhanced data skills courses, helping to upskill Edinburgh and south-east of Scotland’s future multidisciplinary workforce.

Data Skills Gateway Case Study
Case Study

Graduate Apprenticeships

Graduate Apprenticeships (GAs) were developed in Scotland in order to bridge the skills gaps. Edinburgh Napier is one of the largest providers of GAs and a market leader in work-based learning in Scotland. From SMEs to multinational organisations, we have formed successful working partnerships with many employers.

IBM Graduate Apprenticeship Case Study
Sula McDonald, graduate apprentice
Case Study