HEALTH at Edinburgh Napier

World-class applied research in health at Edinburgh Napier includes expertise in human biology; applied science; engineering; computing; rehabilitation science; and medicine. We commit to the highest standards of excellence, integrity and ethics to provide the best care for all. 

We have internationally-recognised research centres of excellence in cardiothoracic health; mental health, policy and law; biomedicine and global health. We make a difference through our innovative collaborations across our diverse schools and with local, national and global health organisations we work with on research projects and campaigns. Our research findings are translated into clinical practice, patient care and policy impact. 

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Delivering Robotics in Future Care Provision

With the rapid advancement of technology, AI and robotics present opportunities to revolutionise the way health and social care services and support are delivered. Through the Healthcare Technologies Research Group, Edinburgh Napier University and partners are leading a research study to explore the use of multifunctional robots in occupational therapy and dementia.

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case study

Collaborating with Police Scotland on Public Health Interventions

Edinburgh Napier has worked with Police Scotland for a number of years on complex issues that intersect policing with public health. To help reduce drug-related deaths, we supported Police Scotland with research into the use of Naloxone. This subsequently influenced positive policy change and has helped to  save lives.

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Groundbreaking Work in Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

We have world-leading expertise in complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). With our academics leading global research projects in the field and through international collaboration with peers working in mental health, we have been instrumental in getting CPTSD officially recognised and diagnosed. 

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Case Study

Scottish Mental Health Law Review

It is estimated that one in four people globally will experience mental ill-health at some stage in their lives. The independent Scottish Mental Health Law Review brought together key stakeholders, including academics from Edinburgh Napier University, to improve the rights and protections of persons with a mental disorder.

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Reducing Child Mortality and Morbidity in Vietnam

Through a knowledge exchange partnership, we have developed and delivered a neonatal training and educational programme that strives to empower and upskill nurses at the Vietnam National Children's (VNC) Hospital in Hanoi. Over three years of the partnership, there has been a 42.2% reduction in infant mortality.

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Pioneering Initiatives to Identify and Manage Irregular Heart Rhythms

We have undertaken a number of significant, patient-focused, collaborations with global health organisations and providers worldwide to help identify atrial fibrillation and support patients globally to access to the right medications.

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illustration of the anatomy of the heart
case study

Bench to Bedside and Beyond – Revising Recovery for SCAD Patients

We are working on a project to design a safe and effective recovery programme for spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) survivors that can be quickly scaled to be offered to all survivors of SCAD in the UK and beyond.

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Breaking New Ground In Healthcare

Our areas of research include e-health, immunology and infection, learning disabilities, mental health, and physical health recovery. This includes ground-breaking research into the efficacy of using telemonitoring to measure blood pressure and cut the rate of heart attacks.

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Case Study

A Hub for Mountain Biking Innovation

The Mountain Bike Centre of Scotland, a partnership between Edinburgh Napier, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Cycling, is based in Glentress, near Innerleithen. It is the world’s first centre for open innovation in the mountain bike industry and helps businesses access consumers and tap into academic expertise.

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health case study
Case Study