The Knowledge Exchange Framework Conference 2024

date and time icon 28 Feb 2024 9:30 AM  to  4:00 PM Location of Event Virtual Conference

Edinburgh Napier's Head of Knowledge Exchange and Research Funding, Linda Wallace, is to participate as a guest speaker at HE Professional's Knowledge Exchange Framework Conference 2024.

Taking place virtually on 28 February 2024, the Knowledge Exchange Framework Conference 2024 will explore the future of the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) and how higher education institutions can advance their knowledge exchange maturity.

Bringing together leading experts and practitioners from across the UK, the conference will assess how to harness KEF insights to drive development in knowledge exchange activity and will examine how institutions can embed the principles of the KE Concordat into strategic planning.

Attendees will also engage in a series of deep-dive sessions to hear from institutions that excelled on core KEF perspectives from a cross-section of clusters.

Objectives of the Conference include: 

  • Examine core insights from KEF3 and how institutions can use outcomes to drive development
  • Understand what KEF4 looks like and Research England’s approach to the next iteration
  • Evaluate progress on the KE Concordat and assess how to develop an approach on continuous improvement
  • Analyse how to overcome strategic and capacity building barriers to supporting enhanced knowledge exchange maturity
  • Learn from a diverse range of institutions on how they succeeded across key KEF perspectives

To find out more and to view the full conference programme, visit the conference website here >

Linda Wallace