Healthy Ageing Innovation Cluster Meeting
26 Feb 2024 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Edinburgh Napier University, Sighthill Campus, Edinburgh, EH11 4BNThe Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) are delighted to announce the next in-person Healthy Ageing Innovation Cluster (HAIC) event will take place in collaboration with Edinburgh Napier University and SET 4 from University of Edinburgh at our Edinburgh Napier Sighthill Campus on Monday 26 February 2024.
The aim of the day is to bring a respective networks together, to learn what we are doing currently on healthy ageing and how we can work together going forward. The afternoon session will be a workshop led by the Set 4 Team from the University of Edinburgh looking at the issues with transition points in care. We are especially keen to host practitioners from health and care. Come and learn about systems thinking and participate in co-design. Register now as places will be in demand.
Speakers will include:
Dr Stella Arakelyan
Dr Stella Arakelyan is a Research Fellow within the Advanced Care Research Centre (ACRC), Centre for Population Health Sciences, Usher Institute, Edinburgh University. She holds a Visiting Assistant Professor position with the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Organisation at Yerevan State Medical University. Dr Arakelyan's background is in medicine and global public health, and her research focuses on the prevention and control of non-communicable chronic health conditions (mainly cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and mental health issues), multimorbidity, polypharmacy, and patient safety. Dr Arakelyan is currently working with health professionals and people with multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs) to co-design complex interventions aiming to improve health outcomes. She has expertise in applied mixed-method research, evidence synthesis, secondary analysis of large-scale datasets, and implementation research.
Systems Engineering and Thinking To Transform Transitions (SET4) in health and social care is a University of Edinburgh hosted programme focussed on co-design of improvements to care transitions for people living with multiple long-term conditions. This group frequently report that services lack coordination, with a focus on multiple individual problems rather than personalised and holistic care. SET4 is funded by NIHR and EPSRC to bring clinical and engineering academics to work alongside health and social care practitioners and people with multiple long-term conditions. Systems engineering and thinking are widely used in industry to design change and improvement. These approaches focus on developing a deep understanding of complex systems, how they interconnect and how people interact with them. In our first phase of discovery work we are engaging widely with patients, carers, families and health and social care professionals to identify critical challenges that people with multiple long-term conditions face at transitions of care. Opportunities to further co-design and implement system improvements will be taken forward in our bid to host a SET4 Innovation Hub in 2025.
Edinburgh Napier University (ENU)
Research and innovation at Edinburgh Napier plays a crucial role in underpinning our ability to solve real-world problems and provide advice, knowledge and expertise to industry, the public and third sectors. We supports organisations to benefit from the deep expertise and wide experience of Edinburgh Napier. As Scotland's #1 modern university, our innovative research has proven impact in business and the wider world.
We have internationally-recognised research centres of excellence in cardiothoracic health; mental health, policy and law; biomedicine and global health. We make a difference through our innovative collaborations across our diverse schools and with local, national and global health organisations we work with on research projects and campaigns. Our research findings are translated into clinical practice, patient care and policy impact.
Maggie Reid
Maggie Reid is Business Development & Relationship Manager with the School of Applied Science & School of Health and Social Care at Edinburgh Napier University. Maggie is responsible for supporting the growth of the business engagement pipeline, stakeholder management and knowledge exchange income for the School of Applied Sciences (SAS) and the School of Health and Social Care (SHSC). This includes developing external partnerships for research collaborations, CPD courses, consultancy projects and commercialisation opportunities. She is keen to support impactful partnerships that deliver outstanding results for the university and society more widely.
This event is free to attend, however advanced registration is essential.
Register here >